What we do

  • Encourage the participation of private sector ( Local and international) in projects and to promote investment in various strategic/sectors of economic and social value
  • Enable the government to implement projects efficiently throughout the project lifecycle, in a way which ensures that environmental, social, inclusive, sustainability, climate change and resilience matters are considered and appropriately monitored and addressed, fiscally responsible and sustainable policies are adopted and applied in accordance with public spending and investment management system
  • Capitalize on the financial, administrative, organizational, innovative, technical, and technological capabilities and expertize of the private sector, to enable the public to benefit from quality and cost-efficient government infrastructure and services.
  • Maximize and monitor productivity, improve the quality of public services, and adopt efficient management practices to develop and monitor such services
  • Transfer knowledge and skills from the private sector to the public sector, and train and qualify employees of Contracting Authorities and related Government Entities to manage and operate projects
  • Transform and complement government approach in providing and managing certain infrastructure and public services so that the most effective model can be selected, and focus placed on a whole life cycle approach project management using approved policies and quality control to deliver increased accountability for the delivery and long-term management of public assets.
  • Promote the competitiveness of projects in local, regional, and international markets.
  • Our services include business develoment strategies, Public Private Partnership (PPP) etc.